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Writer's pictureDaniel Welstead

No.1 New Years Resolution Mistake

Happy New Year to you all. What a decade the last 10 years have been. As many of you know, in January 2010 I made one of the best promises to myself to become healthier, leave the professional kitchens as a chef and then ultimately that year become a walking talking billboard of my health and fitness success by becoming a personal trainer in Sevenoaks.

Below is me from 2010 and in 2019

Personal Trainer in Sevenoaks
Me in 2010
Personal Trainer in Sevenoaks
Me in 2019

As you can see from my transformation I have kept the weight off, unlike previous attempts. And it was during my previous failed attempts in the mid-2000's where I stopped making one very common mistake.

When I started my health and fitness journey in 2010 I didn't approach it from an aesthetic point of view. My main goal wasn't to lose weight. It was to become healthy.

As you may know, I was heavily hooked on prescription sleeping tablets and they were beginning to ruin my life. So I decided to use exercise and a good diet to kick the habit. And as you can tell. It worked. Looking fantastic was simply a brilliant side effect of my new lifestyle. It was like an added bonus.

Your "WHY". Your reason to start. Must be deeper than just vanity. It must be deeper than wanting to simply look good on the beach. If it's not you're going to make mistakes such as "6-week body blasts", "Juice Cleansing" or even "Fasting". You may get some very superficial early success but in the long term these hasty choices only set you up to fail in the long term.

Finding a deeper meaning to your health and fitness journey will set your mind up to succeed in the long term. It allows your mind to accept a few slip-ups along the way, and treat them like little speed bumps in the road to a long and successful trip.

What's your reason for wanting to become healthier? It doesn't have to be as extreme as mine. It could simply be to relieve anxiety or depression or improve your confidence and self-esteem. Leave it in the comment section below.

Here's to a happy healthy next decade.

Educate and Dominate.

Daniel Welstead - Plant-Based Vegan Personal Trainer in Sevenoaks

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